“Through dream I travel, at lantern's call.
To consume the flames of a kingdom's fall”
Character information:
Assorted Information:
『Troupe Master Grimm』
→ Alias: Grimm, Troupe Master Grimm, Nightmare King, Master, God of Nightmares
→ Age: ????
→ Height: ????
→ Species: Most likely Vampire Moth
→ Gender: Male
→ Sexuality: Will be protrayed as gay.
→ Occupation: Leader of the Grimm Troupe, King of the Nightmare Realm
❥Summoning bats
❥ In his regular appearance, Grimm is a slender dark being covered by a multicolored cloak, with a gray exterior and a red interior. His face is pale with red eyes, and underneath his cloak, his body is scaled and purple.
❥As the Nightmare King, Grimm's body turns entirely red, with his cloak having a maroon color. His face remains pale and his limbs remain black.
❥ Grimm, throughout all of his interactions with the Knight, remains polite and respectful, bowing in shows of respect to them on several occasions. He is dedicated to the part he plays in the Ritual, and has a flair for theatrics, keeping with his persona of the leader of a traveling troupe. He views battle as a form of dancing and in combat shall unleash moves that cause his always nearby audience to cheer.
❥ His respect extends to the Godseeker, for when summoned to do battle with the Knight before her, he shall again bow towards her. Dreamnailing him shows Grimm is in fact delighted to be in Godhome, viewing it a pleasure to take part in the Seekers quest to find the strongest creature in Hallownest.
❥Grimm first appears when the Troupe is summoned to Hallownest by the Knight lighting the Nightmare Lantern in a hidden area in the Howling Cliffs, after which they set up camp in Dirtmouth. Inside the main tent is Grimm, who greets the Knight and explains that the Grimmkin now travel across Hallownest to collect the "flame in dream". He gives the Knight the Grimmchild charm, and encourages them to seek and defeat the three Grimmkin who have gathered flames in order to upgrade the Grimmchild.
❥After defeating the three Grimmkin and collecting their flames, Grimm appears when the Knight and the Grimmchild return to his tent and uses the flames to upgrade Grimmchild into a deadly companion. He then sends the Knight out to find three more flames to further grow the Grimmchild so he can begin the performance. Following the next three flames, Grimm leads the Grimmchild into his body and challenges the Knight in a duel. After defeat, Grimm congrats the Knight and mentions how they have potential in prolonging the Nightmare Heart. He awards them with a charm notch and returns the Grimmchild, now at its third form, and encourages the Knight to seek out the last three flames so the Ritual could begin.Following Grimm's boss fight, the player is given two options to complete Grimm's quest: first is to collect the remaining three flames and return to Grimm, who now sleeps in the back room of his tent. Dream Nailing him takes the Knight to Grimm's dream in the nightmare realm, where they must fight against Nightmare King Grimm to complete the performance and finish the Ritual. Defeating him there will transfer the Nightmare's Heart from Grimm to the Grimmchild, granting the Knight the fourth and final form of the Grimmchild. Defeating Grimm causes the Grimm Troupe to vanish, although Divine will stay behind and upgrade the fragile charms.
-- I go by Weylin/Ashyn and use he/him. 7 years of writing experience! I struggle with anxiety, please forgive me if I struggle in some areas. --
❥ My portrayal of Grimm involves my headcanon of him being gay
❥ Grimm personally knows The Radiance, and at one point met the Pale King.
[[Basic Account Info]]
✧Any form of hate[i.e LGBT+phobic, racism, ableist, etc.] will result in an instant block.
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